Who should you contact?
General EnquiresFor general enquires and important messages regarding collection of children, or after school and breakfast club, please contact the school office on 01709 335999.
Request for paper copiesIf you require a paper copy of the information on the school website, please contact the school office or use the school phone number (01709 335999) or email address (
Class Teachers - Class DojoParents may message their child’s class teacher with queries about class updates or events - this includes questions about homework.Staff may not always see their messages during the school day due to teaching commitments so if the message is urgent, please contact the main office.Please remember that there are ‘quiet hours’ where teachers may not respond: between 6.00pm and 8.00am and during the school holidays.Parents should message the attendance officer (Mrs G Gilbank) in regards to attendance, punctuality and illness.Parents can arrange appointments with the class teacher over Class Dojo to discuss personal matters regarding their child in a face to face meeting.
AttendanceMrs G Gilbank on the office numbers 01709 335999 or through Class Dojo.
Medical InformationPlease contact Mrs J Leng on the office number 01709 335999 to discuss any medication needs of children.
SEND ConcernsMrs E Barnes (SENDCo) on the office number 01709 335999 or through Class Dojo.
Safeguarding ConcernsIf you have any concerns around safeguarding, please contact one of the members of the safeguarding team. This can be done by contacting the office or sending a message on Class Dojo.