Thornhill Primary School

Winter Fayre

Our Winter Fayre is on Tuesday 10th December.

You are welcome to attend when it is your child’s time slot.
9.10 - 9.30 Buttercups
9.30 - 9.50 Snowdrops
9.50 - 10.10 Marigolds
10.10 - 10.30 Tulips
11.00 - 11.20 Daffodils
11.20 - 11.40 Violets
1.10 - 1.30 Sunflowers
1.30 - 1.50 Roses
1.50 - 2.10 Lilies
2.10 - 2.30 Poppies
2.30 - 2.50 Bluebells

The children will be selling lots of things such as: tree decorations - 20p &£1, candy canes - 50p, games 20p - 50p, Lucky bag tombola - £1, sweet cones £2, hot chocolate reindeers - 80p, chocolate bark - £1.50, decorated gingerbread - £1, books - 10p & 20p, chocolate snowmen £1.50, guess the name of the teddy- 20p a go..

If you want to send your child with any money, please ensure it is in an envelope with their name on or in a purse / wallet.