Thornhill Primary School

British Values

What are British Values?

For schools in the UK, British values refers to a set of values that the government believes are important for children to learn. They include respect for the rule of law, individual liberty, democracy, and mutual respect for and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. The promotion of these values in schools is part of the government's efforts to create a more cohesive and integrated society, as well as a way to protect children from extremist ideologies.



How we teach these values at Thornhill Primary School

 1 - Democracy

Our School Council encourages pupils to become involved in the decision making process and ensure they are listened to in school: writing manifestos and voting etc. School Council – linked to school priorities. Members can vote for and decisions are made in a democratic way. Debates as part of the curriculum helping children to argue a point and defend their point of view – They feedback to School Council and SLT. Major political events are shared in weekly CBeebies newsreel assembly. 


2 - Rule of Law

We ensure school rules and expectations are clear and fair and kept alive with children each day. We help children understand how school rules protect us all as individuals – assemblies/circle time about rights and responsibilities.  A strong RHE curriculum helps children distinguish between right and wrong. Visits from SY Police are made when they link to projects- Y6 Crime and Punishment, FS People who help Us. The Crucial Crew project with Y6 promotes good citizenship.  Safety and E Safety messages are taught through assemblies, circle time and in curriculum areas. There is a clearly structured and publicised Behavioural Policy.  


3- Liberty

Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.  RHE and the Learning mentor team working tirelessly each day ensuring children develop self esteem and self confidence. The team reward system works to ensure pupils take responsibility for their own behaviour. Children are given roles and responsibilities within school – School council representatives, Sports leaders, playground leaders, register monitors etc. Any stereo types by members of the school community are challenged. Any incidents of bullying are dealt with effectively following school policy.  


4 - Respect

Mutual respect is the basis of our school rules. We encourage all children to be tolerant and respectful to those of different faiths and beliefs. This is done by providing the children with an understanding of the main festivals and key dates of significance to Britain and other cultures e.g. Remembrance Day, the Queens Birthday and major political events such as elections.  We have a determination from S.A.C.R.E. that ensures that being a multi faith school, we celebrate and respect all faiths and we focus on employing British Values.  PSHE curriculum  We have projects which focus on individual similarities and differences for e.g.KS1 – self-portraits stereotypes, prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour challenged. The use of buddy systems promotes mutual respect between pupils across different phases in school.  Sporting activities promote an attitude of fair play and equality. We have strong links within our learning community of schools and participate together in a range of intra school events: football, basketball etc.  


5 - Tolerance

The Governors ensure the whole community upholds British Law and is tolerant of all faiths in our vibrant multicultural school.  Through RE curriculum we learn about different faiths, religions and cultures. Assemblies throughout the year inform about celebrations of different religions and cultures and Political events taking place in Great Britain and across the world.