Thornhill Primary School

Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

The pupil premium is allocated to schools in respect of children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months. This applies to both mainstream and non-mainstream settings. 


Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit to “close the gap” between children from disadvantaged circumstances and those above the low-income threshold – it is not linked to a specific child but is to be used for overall impact. However, they are held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families.


We are to committed to raising the attainment and life chances of all our pupils, including those who are disadvantaged. 

The Education Endowment Fund 2020 Rapid Research: Impact of Lockdown on the Attainment Gap report indicates that rigorous and sustained support will be essential for disadvantaged pupils to catch up with their peers. In light of this,  we are doing our utmost to ensure that we provide rapid, targeted and highly effective support to all our pupils, particularly those who are most vulnerable.


We provide consistent high-quality teaching and work hard to ensure that our pupils are able to access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We quickly identify potential barriers to learning and use research-based interventions and targeted booster and challenge groups to support pupils of all abilities to make rapid progress. We rigorously monitor the impact of these interventions on pupils’ progress and attainment and adapt our approach in light of this where necessary.


Our children make good progress from their starting points and leave fully prepared for secondary school and future employment.


For further information, please read our full pupil premium spending strategy and self evaluation.



Pupil Premium Strategy